A review by gapagrin
The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan


Okay, I think I've got a new favourite character. Nico di Angelo is hilarious. He's delightfully annoying and such a little nerd. In most books I read, there's the academic nerd, the Hermione Granger or the Annabeth Chase, but the other kind of nerdiness, the game-playing, card-collecting, comic book-reading kind, isn't always represented, so it was nice to have another character to really identify with.

Every book in this series introduces more and more new myths and expands the world even more. We meet titans, the Hunters of Artemis, Artemis herself, Apollo and his sun chariot, a manticore, the Nemean Lion, and more demigods with godly parents we've not seen represented before. Exciting stuff. Similar to Sea of Monsters, the main trio is split up, this time because Annabeth is captured and Grover is chosen to go on the quest but Percy is not. Percy obviously ends up going anyway.

Thalia, daughter of Zeus, is one of the new characters, having spent the previous two being dead/a tree. She's a good addition to the team. Not only is she powerful (naturally, she's the daughter of the king of the gods), she is tough and no-nonsense. She and Percy often argue - it's not played for laughs, but instead is more of a power struggle. They're friends and want to be on good terms, but both are accustomed to assuming leadership and to being the most powerful demigod around. It's good for them to learn how to share power, given that Nico and Bianca are both powerful...three guesses who their godly parent is.

Speaking of Bianca, I can understand wanting to not have to be responsible for your annoying younger brother for a bit, but joining the Hunters of Artemis seemed a bit...final. She'd have had plenty of time to herself at camp and the responsibility could have gone to Chiron, who sort of acts as camp dad anyway. Instead, she'll be travelling with the Hunters most of the year, rarely visiting (Percy's been at camp two years and this is the first we've seen of them) and will never age, essentially leaving Nico behind in the mortal world. I understand wanting to do something for yourself for a change when you've been having to take care of a younger sibling, but she's essentially decided to never see Nico again. Or at least not for years. No wonder the kid feels abandoned.

Usually I find it rather unbelievable that adults happily send children off on deadly quests, but here, their status as demigods gives them adult capabilities and when demigods don't generally live that long, being constant monster targets, when a quest requires a demigod, the only people available to send are going to be children. Besides, in Greek mythology, if a prophecy has said someone has to go on a quest, then everything will go to hell if they don't. You DO NOT try to avoid a prophecy in Greek mythology. It ends badly. Just ask Oedipus.

I did miss having Annabeth in this one. There was no one to properly call Percy Seaweed Brain. It would be nice if she were more necessary to the quest (like how Harry would have died repeatedly without Hermione), but everyone seems to function just fine without her. Granted, most of what they do is fight and while she's good at that, Thalia is better. Hopefully Annabeth will play a larger role as the books go on.