A review by skinnypenguin
Poison by John Lescroart


I have read almost all of John Lescroart's books and they always seem to keep me interested. This one isn't quite as riveting as some others but I enjoyed it. It is filled with a lot of the mundane work that police officers and lawyers have to do and lets you know that in reality it is not all fast paced action like on TV.
In this story Dismas Hardy is contemplating cutting back on work when he gets a call from a former client who is being charged with the murder of her boss. He is reluctant to take the case but agrees to look into it and help her out. He is assisted by several associates that have been with him for many years (and in previous books). Some are friends who work on the opposite side of the law as he is a defense attorney and are not all that happy with helping him. Some think his client is guilty and don't want to help him and there is a bit of a rivalry ongoing between Dismas and the prosecuting attorney.
The two detectives that investigated the case are dealing with another murder at the same time and one of them has a lot of personal issues going on. He is still recovering from being shot and it is causing problems at home and on the job. He gets involved with a victim's sister that actually aids in helping solve the crime down the line.
Dismas's family makes several appearances throughout the story. His son knows one of the murder victims and despite his father telling him to stay away from the investigation he becomes involved. His wife is on edge about him putting himself and the family in danger by taking the case and he is conflicted over what to do. He is not sure he believes his client is innocent after finding out more information about her and the case but also wants to look into other suspects. When one of those people is also killed he knows he is on the right track and that his client needs his help.
Through many twists and turns all is eventually figured out in the end.