A review by maritzasoto
Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm by Robin DiAngelo


3.5⭐️ This is like the Cliff notes of all the books and essays she references on the topic of racism written by BIPOC academics and writers. If you’ve read Ibram Kendi, Ijeoma Oluo, Kimberle Crenshaw, any of the members of the Combahee River Collective, you already get the gist of this book. However, I recommend everyone who calls themselves a progressive or thinks of themselves as an “ally” read Chapter 5. I saw things I’ve done and said listed in there, and while it made me cringe, it’s also an important point of self-reflection. Holding this mirror up to myself will help me confront these behaviors within myself and do something about them before I do more harm.