A review by ameserole
Bones of the Lost by Kathy Reichs


Honestly just reading these books now because I'm so freaking close to finishing this series! Not even counting the novellas.. because that would be a headache for myself. Plus, I just don't want to torture myself any further. I have 3 books left and I'm counting down the days till I'm done.

Bones of the Lost kind of made me think of an Indiana Jones movie. Tempe is just boring me at this point. I feel like I'm just constantly zoning in and out of these books now. It doesn't help that I'm listening to the audios but I'd rather listen than read at this point. Besides her, Ryan isn't much better either. Their relationship was cute and something to ship in my eyes in book one.. but ever since then it's like they have been stagnant. No idea if that makes sense because I need more coffee but that's how I feel. They are nothing to me now and I give zero fucks about their relationship.

...and if that doesn't make me want to pull my hair out, this whole love triangle thing is getting frustrating. If I have to read one more damn thing about freaking Pete I will throw my phone at the wall or out of a window. I can't stand him or triangles.

Other than that, I feel like I need a book to cheer me up or maybe be hopeful that the rest of the series wont suck as much? I feel like I should always be prepared to be disappointed at this point. I'm just glad that I'm almost done.