A review by emselilly
Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by Paul Mason


Sometimes when I was reading this book I was like yes, perfect, this is the only way to solve the world, this is the answer to solve climate change and neo-liberalism failing, but in the end, no matter how much I want it to be true, it still seems unrealistic. While the book is really good as it looks at many economic theories, and then counter-theories and then proves them wrong, it doesn't really answer the question of how to politically make this happen. I found myself agreeing with all the chapters until the last one which comes up with a vague outline for the future/transition. I couldn't agree with most of them, regardless of Mason's justifications.
It's a very well written book, extremely interesting and I've already recommended the book to many friends, but in the end, I can't tell if I'm more or less hopeful about the solving of climate change/the economy/ social justice than before.