A review by ofbooksandromance
Love the Sinner by Avril Ashton


0 stars for the first 60% of this book and 5 stars for the last 40%, which evens out to 3 stars rounded up

This was a buddy read with Candy. Candy and I really want to read [b:Call the Coroner|33975583|Call the Coroner (Staniel, #1)|Avril Ashton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1485215960l/33975583._SY75_.jpg|54962366] and we know it is better if we read all the Avril Ashton books in order, so we had the brilliant idea to do just that (we definitely do not regret it or anything). I was ready for this book to not be very good and unpolished, but I did not expect to hate it as much as I did, well for the first 60% of it anyway.

I honestly do not have any idea what happened. Up until 67% I was hating this book so much it was giving me nightmares and then the end of chapter 10 happened, and I fell in love with the book. I enjoyed the last part of this book, so much.

Candy and I went through so many emotions while reading this. This was such a ride. We started kind of hopeful, thinking it couldn’t be THAT bad, then we were shocked at how bad it was and we hated everything about the book, then we miraculously got invested in the book and couldn’t put it down and then we fell deeply in love with the book.

Brief summary
Gabriel is 35 and he is a detective. Angelo is 32 and he’s a gang leader. They meet because Gabriel is interrogating Angelo because they are trying to find who killed Angelo’s sister. They started lusting after the other and then get together and have an insane amount of sex and fall in love.

Since my feelings about this book changed so much through the book, I will do my review in different chapters and my feelings during those chapters.

Chapter 1 to 10

When it comes to the insta love
I’m not even sure if we can call this book insta love, it’s even faster than insta love. At the end of chapter 2 after one interrogation, one bullet in the arm of Gabriel, shot by Angelo, one kiss, and one blowjob during which Gabriel, a straight man who’s an anal virgin, got fingered by tree fingers, without any lube, these people were already planning a life together. All this totaled out to about 2 hours spent together. Oh and after that, they called on the phone once, for about 5 minutes, and they were in love.

When it comes to how realistic the cop and gang aspect of the book were

This book felt like a comedy of a cop and a gang leader because there is no way everyone would act this way in real life, if they did, they would have died from their own stupidity 20 years ago. They were bad at their job. Angelo was an awful gang leader, who’s actions didn’t make any sense and he was way too soft for the job. And Gabriel was such a bad cop, I don’t think he did his job properly once in the entire book. It’s truly shocking they’re still alive and didn’t get killed in their line of work yet.

When it comes to the gang aspect of the book
None of the descriptions of the gang Angelo led made sense or were realistic. At one point he killed someone and touched him before killing him, without gloves on. How is this supposed to make any sense? Why do you want to be caught? Also, why are you doing your own killing, you are the gang’s leader, can’t you find a hitman? No gang leader would ever act this way unless they want to end up in prison for life.

When it comes to the relationship between the main characters
Angelo is a gang leader and Gabriel is a cop. They hadn’t even spent an entire day together yet and Gabriel was pissed out that Angelo was keeping really private things from him. But like Gabriel is a cop and could have put Angelo in jail if he knew those things, so it made sense for Angelo to not want to tell him. How are you meant to trust someone after so little time? You are not, no one trusts that fast. Especially not in this situation.

Gabriel and Angelo have no chemistry. It was painful reading about them talking to each other and being with each other because they just painfully did not fit together. These people were unable to have a conversation. They always went from super serious conversation to sex. One time Angelo was saying how he was raped as a teen and two seconds after, without ending the conversation, they were having sex. I had so much whiplash. If only the sex scenes were good, but they were awful, so it was not even interesting to read about. Also, the dirty talk was worst than bad porn from the 60s.

Also, Angelo and Gabriel were always mad at each other for no reason, they were always rude to each other, they never had a regular conversation, which always turned into rage.

When it comes to the plot of the book
This book was so confusing that even if Candy and I talked about the plot, I am not sure I understood anything that was happening. Everything about this book is ridiculous. None of it makes any sense or was enjoyable to read about, up to this point.

When it comes to the vibe of the book
There was so much casual misogyny in this. The only women who were the main character's sister and mother were shown as only being useful for sex or catty exes. Angelo was a gay man who got blowjobs from women and said how he had to imagine Gabe so he could get off. Couldn’t he… I don’t know… jerk off? The book doesn’t mention that he is missing his hands, so it would have been easier for him to jerk off. Instead of using women, for no reason at all.

Also, this book had a really strange homophobic vibe to it. There were so many stereotypes, in everything they did. I do not really know how to explain it, but it was there in everything the characters did.

Also, there were Spanish words randomly used everywhere because Angelo also speaks Spanish. No one just says one random Spanish word in the middle of a sentence, it made no sense to do it this way.

Chapter 11 to the epilogue
I have no clue what happened here but it took me about 5 minutes to fall in love with Gabriel and Angelo, so much. Everything in this part worked for me. There were finally real feelings and emotions. I could finally feel how much Angelo and Gabriel love each other. The story started making sense, for once. The sex got really damn good. Every just did a 180 and turned a story I hated into a story I love.

When it comes to the story
Everything started making sense here. It wasn’t about their jobs anymore, it mostly was just about Angelo and Gabriel and their feelings about each other, which I preferred way more.

When it comes to the main characters and their connection
I started loving these two so much. I connected with them and their struggles so much. I finally understood why they love each other and why they are perfect for each other. I went from hating everything about Gabriel and Angelo to loving them, dearly, in this part of the book.

When it comes to the vibe
The weird homophobia totally disappeared, so did the misogyny and the weird use of Spanish words everywhere. It was definitely a nice change.

When it comes to the emotions

I cried for most of this part of the book, it was so damn emotional.

When it comes to the sex scenes
The sex scenes got so good in this part. They were actual feelings between the characters, and you could feel it in all the sex scenes. The sex scenes were really damn hot and were perfect to me. Also, Angelo had nipples piercings and those are just so damn hot.

When it comes to the break up at 80% and the reunion

I’m not the biggest fan of breakups at the end of books but I really enjoyed the one here. It made so much sense with the story and I loved everything that had to do with the breakup, all of it was realistic and made perfect sense. The reunion in this book was so fucking perfect, there were so many emotions and a good amount of groveling.

I still have no clue what happened, how I went from hating this book so much and wanting the two main characters to disappear, to loving them so much I was cheering for them to get their happily ever after. But now I’m so invested in this series and I cannot wait to read more of it. In fact, Candy and I already started book 2 because we were too curious and just had to read it.