A review by dreamgirlhunt
Transland: Consent, Kink, and Pleasure by Mx. Sly


I started off the #transrightsreadathon with Mx. Sly’s memoir called Transland on audiobook narrated by Sebastian Marziala. With such topics as BDSM being taboo, I would definitely recommend this book obviously to adults and suggest each reader check the trigger warnings as there are many adult (as well as dark) topics throughout the entirety of the book. This book is very well written and the audiobook is very well narrated. I listened to this one throughout a work day and was never bored. Mx. Sly jumps right into the sexy time but definitely explores more than just the kink community. Sly describes their journey of finding identity and healing through exploring kink culture and meeting people who introduce them to new experiences that help shape their identity and sense of belonging even more. The non-binary artist delves into how they took their agency and power back after abuse and trauma through BDSM specifically to let go of control and worries, giving them a safe space to live in the moment. Throughout their young adulthood, Sly searches for connection, community, and acceptance. They focus a lot on consent which I really appreciated. It is also interesting to read about their experiences with cis queers and their exclusionary treatment toward trans and bi folks. Overall, I’m grateful for the access to this audiobook and would definitely recommend if it sounds like something you’re interested in. I think the insight from this book could help a lot of queer folks thinking of exploring the kink community themselves.