A review by jkh107
Hope's Folly by Linnea Sinclair


Somewhere there is a publisher who knew that I like romance and military SF and thought they'd better publish something for someone who likes both. They call this futuristic romance, of course, not romantic military sf, and in fact, most futuristic romances are probably not milsf. There are other futuristic romances that I have read--one or 2 by the woman who publishes as Krentz/Castle/Quick, and they were kind of not very appealing to me. So I dropped the genre. Sinclair makes it worth picking up again.

This book almost lost me in the first chapter with a lot of characters and concepts dumped on me without explanation, but I persevered and it quickly got better. This is about a rebel Admiral (rebelling against his former Empire) and the security chief/bodyguard--and their love story as well as how they manage to survive enemy moles & sabotage on their old hoopty of a military spacecraft. Which KIND OF sounds like Miles Vorkosigan and Elli Quinn, but ends much differently. Sinclair is no Bujold, but this was still a lot of fun to read--and the heroine did have a past working for (heh!) ImpSec.