A review by rachelmcg2004
The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute by Zac Bissonnette

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
| DNF'd at 29%

When I found this on one of my friend's reading challenges, I expected a cool tale of various shady marketing strategies and an explanation of the calculated measures taken to make Beanie Babies rise to the top of the marketing chain. I did not expect to be served the picture of a callous, narcissistic, utter trashbag of a human that is Ty Warner. That man is a horrible, evil person, and though I am not even halfway through this book I am absolutely done with learning any more about his life. Ugh.

People are always talking about protecting your peace. Well, I am going to protect my peace by not learning more about the disgusting slimeball that is Ty Warner.