A review by asmushy
Breath on Embers by Anne Calhoun


Rating: 4.5/5

This story was so complex and dark and poetic and sad, it tugged at my heart strings and left me sobbing and smiling and fanning myself at more than one time.

Few months after loosing her husband in a car accident, Thea moves to Manhattan but unfortunately not with her life. An emotional minefield, she freaks out at the mere mention of anything that would remind her of her late husband.

Thea broke my heart with her grief, she was going under, all this dark weight downing on her, only music loud and noisy would anchor her in the now and prevent her from completely losing it. Her other mean of escape was Ronan. Hot, romantic, rugged firefighter Ronan to drown out her grief, with what she hoped was sizzling yet emotionless, meaningless sex. Except it wasn't. He wouldn't let her use him just for that. He's got many layers to him. He could see through her her and could keep up with her no matter the pace she set.

And Good God that man oozed sexiness and hotness from everywhere.

Thea's biggest fear was realizing that she and Ronan had was real and unique. She was in denial and refused to face the fact that they were more than what she liked to think of. He made sure of that. He was determined to show her what they are together and what they could be if she only opened her eyes.

For a short story, it was unbeluvably and surprisingly good and emotional. Extremely hot and sweet and so sensuous. The author painted her characters with such immense depth and complexity that i completly loved them and cared for them and ached with their pain. I hope reading from this author again and very soon.