A review by elihinze
A Wind From the Wilderness by Suzannah Rowntree


When I saw the cover of this book, which is ridiculously gorgeous, I was intrigued. When I read the premise, I knew I needed more.

First off, the historical accuracy is astounding. I learned so much from this book just by osmosis alone. As someone who has written historical fantasy, let me tell you, that is not an easy feat. With western authors, you wonder if there will be biases in the portrayal of the Crusades, but I personally found none. The characters from both sides were sympathetic, and each side had its villains too.

The prose is very well honed, and even made things like the different time system they used (Vespers? Terce? Compline?) blend in without throwing me off.

I wondered how this book would resolve its many plot threads in time, because this is truly a sweeping historical epic and, even with 400+ pages I wondered how it’d cover everything. But it did, while still leaving room for it to pick up in future books. (A Conspiracy of Prophets, oh how I need you.)

The emotions in this book ran high. From Ayla’s internal struggles to Lukas’ hotheaded righteousness to Saint-Gilles’ quest for redemption to my complete and utter hatred for Evrard de Puiset, and so much more. Ugh.

I’m still reeling over how things ended, but when a book can punch me in the heart that hard while still inspiring hope and goodness, it deserves all the stars.
Do yourself (and your shelfies) a favor and pick up this book today.