A review by _axelhelgi
The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State by Nadia Murad


Þetta er ekki beint falleg saga. Þetta er í sannleika sagt ljót og hrottaleg frásögn enda fjallar bókinn um (í gegnum augu Nadiu Murad) ofsóknir, þrældóm, kynlífsþrælkun, fjölda- og þjóðarmorð á jasídum af hálfu hryðjuverkahópsins Íslamska ríkið. Mikilvæg bók sem allra flestir ættu að lesa.

“Throughout the camp, people struggled to re-create the lives that were stolen from them. It’s comforting to do the same thing you used to do at home, even if it’s just going through the motions. In Duhok, in the camp, the routines were the same as they had been in Sinjar. Women cooked and cleaned obsessively, like if they did it well enough, they could be transported back to their villages, wake up their men from the mass graves, and return life to how it had been. Each day when their mops were stashed back in the corner and all the bread was baked, the fact that there was no home and no husband to go home to crashed down on them anew, and they cried, huge wails that shook the walls of our container home.”