A review by fantasyliving
Bulldozed by Catt Ford


Smoking hot bull riders at the Gay Rodeo Association championships show us how they ride each other *waggles eyebrows*.

Trey is a seasoned bull rider and ‘old’ by bull riding standards. He is still at it so he can save money to finally buy his own ranch and live his life without family judgement of his choice in bedmates. Not really out of the closet, he looks forward to his trysts with Smoke Carter, an enigmatic, show stealing bull rider who has no problems being out.

I’m being generous with my rating this time for the simple fact that this story was pure entertainment. The bull riding was pretty detailed, and I was transported to this fictional LGBTQ Rodeo competition with all the sights and sounds and happiness. I felt like I was on the bull with Trey, and Catt Ford managed to show me, in great detail, how to ride. Since I’ve only ever seen a bull in the Showgrounds of what we call the Ekka (search engine that baby and see what I’m talking about), and it was just standing there staring at me like a docile puppy, this really revved me up. I’ve seen “8 Seconds”, I’m not totally oblivious to what men can do on a bull, but it was great to have this intimate reading experience.