A review by bookish_dani
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller


I don't think I could ever really care for this play because I absolutely hated Willy and disliked all of the other characters. His idea that being successful boils down to just being well liked annoyed the crap out of me. Then he went and instilled this wrong way of thinking into his kids. People say Linda was the perfect wife but I think she was far from it. All she did was encourage her husband's messed up way of life and never put her own opinion out there. AND IT REALLY BOTHERED ME THAT HAPPY WAS SO IGNORED. And everyone says Biff reached his peak in high school and Willy was the one who caused his demise after he found out his father was having an affair, but I think gaining that knowledge freed him. It freed him from the grasps of his father's shit advice and opened his eyes to reality. Now he's doing what he likes out west instead of striving to become a businessman like his father wanted him to.