A review by lattelibrarian
The Book of Ichigo Ichie: The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way by Francesc Miralles, Héctor García Puigcerver


This was an intensely calming book.  Focusing on the moment, keeping your emotions in check, and taking time to really listen, The Book of Ichigo Ichie suggests that in the midst of this fast-paced, consumer-based society, it is more than worth it to take a breath and honor this one moment.  I tend to live in the future and the past, so this book was a great reminder to really just take it all in, right here and now.  To try to find contentment, to not want for more.  I think I'll be taking a lot of lessons from this book and applying them to my own life--the authors preach a kind of living and lifestyle that I myself want to achieve but am having a hard time doing, personally.  

What I also appreciated about this book was their glimpse into other spiritualities and ways of living, showing that there's no "one way" to adhere to ichigo ichie, but in fact many different ways that intersect in order to create a zen, simplistic, and peaceful life.

I'd definitely recommend this to those who find enlightenment in Marie Kondo's works--find what sparks joy in your life and find that joy in a single moment.

Review cross-listed here!