A review by bristlecone
Quartet for the End of Time by Johanna Skibsrud


Quartet for the End of Time is a dense philosophical work that asks much of the reader, however offers considerable reward. From the musical composition the novel is named after, to the troubled times during which the book is set, to the disjointed and choppy view of the lives of the "main" characters, the entire novel revolves around the chaotic and furious changes that define life. Philosophical questions about the importance or insignificance of single individuals or their choices, the potential for multiple meanings in every situation, as well as the meaning of life and art are all addressed.

When I first started the novel, I was certain it would be a five-star book --- a conviction I maintained throughout most of the book. Throughout the last quarter of the book, I woffled between it being a 4 star book or a 2 star book. After reflection, and upon trying to write this review, I've decided upon 4 stars. It was upon writing this, that I realized that the parts in the last quarter of the book that I found frustrating and grinding, were appropriate and important to my full appreciation of the book. These difficult pieces of the book reflect yet another theme --- the necessity of negative space. Just as in music, rhythm is dictated not by sound but by silence, I now think that the real impact of the book is the balance between the narrative of the events and the philosophical declarations of the characters. Now, I am deeply curious to know what the author believes the underlying messaage of the book to be.