A review by mackenzierm
Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe


I was excited to read this since I joined Goodreads a year or so ago, for two reasons I suppose. The first being that it's a ghost story - and I love ghost stories; the second being that the cover intrigued me and the synopsis sounded so good.

This book sure didn't disappoint. It was just as good as I thought it would be. The only complaint from my point of view was that the beginning started off slow.

So right, Give Up The Ghost is about Cass McKenna. A girl who prefers talking to the ghosts of dead people rather than "breathers" as she so kindly calls them. She has a mission and that mission is to oust all the crap that people do and make them man up to what they've done. That's when Tim comes in. He has discovered her secret and wants her help to commune with his dead mother. While her life steadily becomes more entwined with Tim's she begins to see that he needs more help than most people care to see and she's one of the only people who really care.

This book is amazing. As you read through it, you see how Cass's opinions and priorities change and you also see how she changes.

I really liked all the lists that Cass was constantly spouting. It was clear she had a thing for lists and I liked that. You got to see how she thought about things. It was all pretty logical.

I'm absolutely certain I've read a book really similar to this one a couple years ago. The part about how the ghosts hang around until their connection to earth has been cut and they can move on. It felt so familiar. I just can't think of what book it was that I read it in.

All in all, a fabulous book. I'm glad I got the opportunity to read it.