A review by mytreasureinbooks
Far From Perfect by Holly Smale


Second in The Valentines series, Far From Perfect tells Faith’s story. At sixteen, the middle daughter, Faith is an inspiring actress and dating the teen heartthrob singer Noah. Her life is dictated by her Grandmother, including what to dress, her social media posts, the answers to give journalists. This is not who Faith is, but who is the real Faith?

I found this book a fun read, I liked the mix of characters in the Valentine family (the younger sister Hope is especially sweet!) and Scarlett was a great addition to the story. Faith spends so much of her life being who she is told to be that it takes its toll on her, and the author shows how Faith struggles to cope with the expectations placed on her, and how it affects her mental health. She criticises her own looks, takes multiple selfies but finds fault with every one, she also worries about how other people view her. I think these are important themes in a book aimed at a younger audience. The book shows the differences between what is seen on social media and what is real life.

As someone who hasn’t read the first book in the series, I was able to follow the story, but there are some references to events in Happy Girl Lucky.

It’s a book series aimed at middle grade or the younger end of YA readers, so I found it a little young for me, but I did enjoy it. It’s easy to read and its fun, but with some moments of sadness, and important issues highlighted regarding fame, social media and what people perceive as being “perfect”

Thank you to Kaleidoscopic Tours, Holly Smale and Harper Collins for my #gifted copy of this book.