A review by ameserole
Being Mary Bennet by J.C. Peterson


Being Mary Bennet was a really cute retelling to jump into. Especially since it's a Pride & Prejudice one. Which, yes, is one of my all-time favorite books. Definitely see me being a Lizzie in life, so it was very interesting to see someone viewing themselves as Mary.

After meeting Marnie, it was pretty easy to fall in love with her. At seventeen years old, she has no idea what's going on in her life, but she's looking to reinvent herself. While being an introvert, she definitely starts to blossom out of her shell due to her roommate and friends she starts to make. Plus, a dog or two helps.

If I could, I would adopt Sir Pat right then and there. Unfortunately, I don't think my two dogs would appreciate a fictional one. Maybe a real brother or sister to play with. Maybe. Other than finding herself in this world, there's a lot of drama to maneuver through. Whether it's with her own family or not.

Honestly, I wasn't a fan of her mother and how she treated some of them. Other than that, I liked everyone else and just about died with the wedding scene. Girl can't handle her champagne, but it did make me laugh.

In the end, I'm really happy that I found the time to jump into this. I can't wait for the next Jane Austen retelling to fall in my lap.