A review by mad_about_books
The Devil's Country by Harry Hunsicker


Here is a narrative that sucks you in with the first word… the first sentence… the first paragraph. You get the picture. It starts out pretty ordinary, yet not so ordinary and builds from there… word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page. Before you know it, a quarter of the book is behind you, but you keep on reading. It is a quietly violent story. If you are a fan of the old Eastwood man-with-no-name westerns, you know what I mean.

I was most impressed by the way Hunsicker built the story. He tells you everything you need to know about the main character, Arlo Baines, at exactly the time you need to know it. In fact, there is Arlo's story and the situational story told in tandem so that by the end of the book you, the reader, are both satisfied with the outcome and want to follow the character further along his journey in life. THE DEVIL'S COUNTRY is, in every sense, a real page turner.