A review by amysutton
The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win by Jeff Haden


I didn't realize how short this book truly was until the audiobook started wrapping up and I had to double check that I had downloaded all of the sections...

This was packed with some good wisdom and suggestions, but overall this was not what I was expecting. The very basics of the book are that motivation is not some inspirational strike of lightning that completely transforms you. Instead, success is gained through incremental changes that you continue to apply over a long period of time.

Everything else is example, explanation, or illustration of that basic concept. A little bit disappointing, but very true and very applicable to life!

Other tidbits -
- Emulate professionals and people who are most successful. If you copy what they do, in theory you can copy what they've become.
- Start with your process and make sure you stick to your goal every day. Don't look at the big picture too often (too overwhelming). Look at and celebrate the daily sucesses.
- If you hyperfocus on improving any one area, other areas may suffer. An Olympic coach once crafted Olympic winners by aiming to improve each small area of athleticism by 1%. Just changing multiple areas by 1% made a difference in the overall.
- For partnerships (including marriages), focus on asking for help, complimenting often, being sincere, celebrating successes, and helping your partner look for missed opportunities.