A review by woodstocknation
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


3.5 stars for me.

I've been wanting to read this series since reading the Six of Crows duology, and I also really want to watch the Netflix show, but I refuse to watch the show before reading the books. My brain just says no.

This was a fun read and a good beginning to a story full of wonder and magic. I like that it was fast-paced, I didn't spend all of this time dragging my feet through paragraphs of superfluous BS. At the same time, it was just a tad TOO fast, and I would have been really happy with another 200 pages or so (currently have the hardcovers, which are small, and text is bigger.) to add just a little more detail and background information on the characters. Though it's 350ish pages, it read like a 250-page book with the way it was printed.

Anyway. Alina seems okay. I feel like there wasn't much character development on anyone in the story yet. We still don't know *who* she really is, what drives her, what her desires are. I hope to see her grow into a badass, fearless character who's ready to kick some ass. We saw just a tiny bit of that at the end of the book. But the adventure has been fun thus far.

I like Mal. He's a pretty plain, original character that doesn't seem to have much to offer, but a dude that can track, hunt, and bring me food always has a place in my heart. And he seems to be down for Alina 100% so go you, dude.

Won't lie, I was a tad disappointed that scary, dark, broody guy didn't become the main love interest. However, it was a different feel from literally 30 books I've read where broody dude is the main love interest, so I'm not really all that mad about it. It's nice to switch things up sometimes.

I really liked the Six of Crows duology, and it seems that this series may not amount to my expectations because those were just two bomb-ass books with a lot of adventure and detail. Maybe the next two books will offer more along those lines. Either way, I'm invested and looking forward to the rest of the series.