A review by novelesque_life
The Heart of Devin MacKade by Nora Roberts



"Devin MacKade knew it was his destiny to serve and protect the small town of Antietam, Maryland. And he always suspected his future should have little Cassie Connor in it. After Cassie married the wrong man, Devin tried to convince himself there would be other women, other loves. Now, after Cassie’ s divorce, Devin can finally follow his heart. But can Cassie follow hers?" (From Amazon)

We are introduced to Devin and Cassie earlier in the series and can see the sparks between the two though Cassie is already married. Cassie's husband is not a nice man so you hope that Cassie will wake up and leave him. When she does finally get a divorce we root for Devin. I love these characters as they are realistic and heartwarming. I enjoy this series as we get to see characters grow and find love.