A review by randombookgrl
Candy Slain Murder by Maddie Day


When skeletal remains are found after a fire at the home of a local doctor, speculation runs rampant that they belong to the doctor's long missing wife. shortly thereafter, the missing woman's sister is found dead. With no shortage of suspects, starting with the miserable doctor himself and including
former lover and step-son of the dead women, a possibly grieving estranged husband, an unhappy tenant, and even the newly discovered long lost brother of her assistant, Robbie finds herself digging for clues to figure out who's responsible before she becomes victim number 3!

I vaguely remember reading books 1 and 2 in the series, many moons ago...now I'm wondering why I didn't continue with the series! While the main characters are engaging and enjoyable, this tale does introduce some extremely unlikeable ones, including the racist, bigoted misogynist doctor who leads the list of suspects. The setting itself leaves the reader with the desire to go visit this small town, where breakfast and lunch are always freshly served at the charming little restaurant and the adorable aw-shucks demeanor of the local law enforcement officer hides a mind more clever than the casual observer might expect. The mystery itself with was fun, containing enough clues to point you in different directions before wrapping up pretty much how you might (probably) anticipate.

I definitely plan on going back to re-read the first books, as well as the rest of the series that I missed!