A review by lukasjay
Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition by Paul Watson


Wanted to like this book, and did in places. But wished had I read the author was a de-populationist beforehand (depopulation basically translates as Institiutional genocide/sterilization) it would have seriously affected my desire to read this.

Anyway, it might have been good. But the author spoiled it with his climate change politics. Some decent summary and stitching together of the narrative of Franklin's expedition, and when we stay in this topic the book is decent, but I have to say, we do not seem to have a non-fiction book these days that discusses historical events, without having to drown us with boring ideologies and political messages.

Considering many of the corporations sponsoring the teams that found these boats have questionable records on the environment themselves, I found the constant reminders irritating and the author a complete and total hypocrite.

He bounds enthusiastically from one piece of establishment worship to another piece of climate change dogma with seemingly no conscious understanding of his deep and obvious hypocrisy. We are basically dealing with another dogmatic pseudo historian, who is more motivated in forcing his political will and imagination onto an already well covered historical event.