A review by joyousreads132
Beta Test by Annabeth Albert


The second instalment to Annabeth Albert’s Gaymers series is pretty much what you would expect if you have any familiarity with the first book. It features a romance between two people who would have to answer a question about personal sacrifices. Nothing earth-shattering, mind you. Just what the other would give up for them to be together.

Their relationship wasn’t one of those flash fire types. It was a slow build due to the professional competitiveness they had towards one another. Though they admired each other’s work ethics, they were after peer recognition since they were both newbies at the company. One can’t help but notice the telltale differences between the two, though. While Ravi was a social butterfly liked by many, Tristan took a while to warm up to anyone. He’s a deliberate person who comes off aloof.

Ravi is an out and proud artist whose family tentatively embraced him being gay. And on the other hand, you have Tristan Jones who comes from a conservative upbringing with a political background and whose parents threatened to cut off financial support should he flaunt his sexual identity. He lives in a very organized world so being with Ravi threw him in a loop. In the end, Tristan would have to make a choice; one that’s as difficult as it is freeing.

Overall, I enjoyed this book; it was relatively angst-free. But, unfortunately, unremarkable. I just didn’t make a stronger connection with the characters here as I did in Status Update. I still would like to see the rest of this series, though.