A review by efram
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Gone Girl's deceptive rate of amazing five stars represents my high regards with the totality of this captivating novel. With all honesty, I had a difficult time progressing with this read thinking that this is a plain thrill read due to the normalcy of the first part and I was proven wrong. Fortunately for me, wrongfulness is a key factor that made this novel an absolute masterpiece. Also, the ending part will make you feel damned.

The strengths of the book are its impressive use of narratives inducing this splendid sphere of engagement between the reader and the characters, vivid portrayal of significant scenes that will remarkably create a well-elevated suspense to the story's grand shift of events, splendid characterization that provided this amusing depth to the plot, and lastly is the magnificence of the ending. The weakness of the book lies in the first part as it appears dull and monotonous; a facade for its brilliance.