A review by sempiternal_books
Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak by Adi Alsaid


*I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

This book was pretty underwhelming. It follows Lu, who was just recently dumped. Her relationship fell prey to the post-high-school, pre-college "we can't survive long distance" cliche. Due to the breakup, Lu has a bad case of writer's block. She is a columnist for an online magazine which focuses on love. In hopes of finding inspiration to write Lu sits on a park bench and eavesdrops on people's conversations. She end's up hearing a couple and what seems to be them breaking up, for the same reasons behind her own breakup. One thing leads to another and Lu becomes friends with the couple and learns that they decided to postpone their breakup until the end of summer when they go off to different schools. Lu is convinced that writing about this couple is the key to overcoming her writer's block. She becomes obsessed with them and their relationship. She thinks if she can figure out what they're doing right, she can learn where her relationship went wrong.

I may have enjoyed this book more if Lu was likable at all. She was irresponsible, obsessive and allergic to common sense. The whole book takes place the summer before college and it is basically just Lu procrastinating writing her collum which if she doesn't get done by her deadline would mean losing her scholarship to NYU. (Which apparently isn't enough motivation to write.) Lu just keeps avoiding dealing with her breakup, which is probably the main reason she refuses to write. She is basically throwing her future away because of some couple she is obsessed with. (Hello lifetime movie alert.)

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this book. It attempted to have deep insights about love but really there's nothing to gain from reading this.

Available April 2019