A review by andrewlynch
The Sherlock Holmes Companion by Mollie Hardwick, Michael Hardwick


They key difference between this book and a Cliff's Notes approach to Doyle's Sherlock Holmes body of work is that it is written with loving and respectful precision, based on the acquired expertise of Mollie and Michael Hardwick, mid-20th century writers. Their beautiful little book is no replacement for a thorough reading of the original works, but for me, who has need of a research tool for my Darwin & Dr. Watson project, it is indispensable, the fastest way to get to a remembered story detail or specific aphorism without having to find it again in the original.

Containing a Who's Who, plots of each story, biographies of Holmes and Watson, and an anthology of famous and less-famous bits of dialogue. It also -- as an extra bit of fun -- contains dozens of Sidney Paget's original illustrations for Conan Doyle's heroes and villains.