A review by radipede
Perfect Strangers by J.T. Geissinger

Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I was done with this book halfway through scene 1, but figured I better read the chapter at least to see if it gets any better. It happens! Not this time, though. This is my first and most likely last time reading this author.

I don't know if it's just this author's writing style, or trying to depict the FMC as a pretentious and aloof person, but I did NOT enjoy the prose. The FMC narrates like a film noir detective and it is not intriguing or entertaining enough to offset the annoying and off-putting dichotomy of the first scene (
the FMC touring an apartment while watching a couple across the way have sex through their window
)... it just felt so unserious and try-hard! 

There is also a bit of exposition dumping in the dialogue, which I also don't like but tend to give a bit of leeway to because that part is difficult.  

You can only be depressed for so long before people start rolling their eyes behind your back.

This is how I felt reading the dialogue, the FMC's inner thoughts, her narration, the description... close your eyes and throw a dart. There were some lines I found amusing, but they were repeated, which tired me.

Also, a pet peeve about bloom time: the FMC describes the sweet scent of cherry blossoms... in June. No, lol.

And another one:

He doesn't have an accent, French or otherwise.

Considering everyone has an accent... what does this man sound like?

DNF after Chapter 1. I am feeling the pull to read more, because I love complaining, but I don't hate myself enough to continue. I was able to get through the ACOTAR series because I was buddy reading it, but this was a solo endeavor. 

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