A review by bookaneer
Pelosi by Molly Ball


4.5 stars. A very entertaining while also illuminating account on a politician who is also a female. I think no matter whether you agree with her politics or not, you'd find a way to respect her accomplishments and tenacity as a master legislator and wielder of votes.

Also useful if you want to know how legislation in the US House of Representatives are made (and unmade). And how hard it is to bridge very diverse voices in one's party. And how no matter how many Twitter followers to you have, hard power - getting the votes - is what matters the most. I learned a lot from this book.

Thank you for the publisher, Henry Holt and Company, for this copy! What a treat. I am having a great discussion as well in the Non Fiction Book Club https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/21576817