A review by sonja_ahrb
Block & Tackle by Elise Faber, Stephanie Fournet, Kristin Vayden


I wanted to read Block & Tackle when I saw Ms. Vayden's name because I've read and loved a couple of her books and I figured I would like her contribution here, but I was also looking forward to reading Ms. Faber and Ms. Fournet's offerings as well. And now that I've read them, I will be keeping a lookout for them too. Block & Tackle was fantastic and I really enjoyed reading it!

I'll talk a little about each book in the order they appear in Block & Tackle, so the first one up is Ms. Faber's "Offsides." I really liked this one - Devon and Becca were a great pair - they were kind and warm and tried to resist each other, but couldn't. "Offsides" was an awesome little forbidden and sexy, but not dirty read.

Ms. Fournet's "Off Guard" was next and I fell for the hero hard! Hutch was so amazing, but I have to talk about the heroine, Charlie, before I get to him. Although there were a few times she made me yell at her, I did like her. She's driven, kind, and compassionate, although she doesn't hold a candle to Hutch. He is just so sweet and funny and persistent. He just completely stole my heart and he owned "Off Guard!" It was beautiful with some heartache and a lot of fun thrown in.

Ms. Vayden's "Off Limits" was last and it was so nice reading her again! It was one of my favorite tropes with the brother's best friend being the hero and a little love/hate coming from the heroine. I liked how Ava didn't make it easy for Markus, but not too hard either and I loved how Markus was totally hooked on her. He's sweet and thoughtful, but he definitely goes after Ava until he gets her. It was a lovely read!

All the tales in Block & Tackle were excellent. If you want a few sweet but sexy, fun, and entertaining reads, then look no further. You'll get beauty, heartbreak, warm moments, and happy endings. I loved Block & Tackle and can't wait to read more from these authors!

~ Sonja, 4 Stars