A review by cupcakegirly
Return to Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs


2.5 Stars

Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin for this ARC.

This was my first book by Susan Wiggs and even though it's #9 in the series, I didn't feel it was necessary to have to go back and read the other books first because there was enough explanation to catch a new reader up.

This isn't my usual genre but I thought the summary sounded interesting and so I gave it a try. As an MC, I found Sonnet to be frustrating and wishy-washy (for lack of a better term) when it came to Zach, Orlando and even her father. I understood her need to win her father's approval and acceptance which to Sonnet, meant winning his love but after awhile you need to grow a backbone.

I found the romance lacking, in fact, there was more romance between Nina and Greg than their was between Sonnet and Zach but it wasn't the kind that steams up your windows. It was the kind of romance that is found in a relationship that's withstood trials and is focused on the long haul. Not a bad thing, but I just expected more for Sonnet and it was, "meh".

I will say that what this lacked in heart racing romance, it made up for in the mother-daughter relationship. The bond between Nina and Sonnet is exceptionally strong and very emotional at times. (very) I struggled to get through the "hair" scene and was literally choke sobbing. Sonnet's willingness to put her plans on hold to help her Mom without so much as batting an eye was inspiring. Their relationship is a supportive one and only grows stronger with each new challenge. The end was left open, maybe for the next installment? All in all, this was a decent read but not necessarily the one for me.