A review by ebonygreads
Midnight Mated by Savannah Lee


This story is from FMC Rowan’s point of view. Rowan catches her boyfriend in bed with another girl and leaves immediately with only the clothes on her back and her beloved car. Rowan gets attacked by a mysterious being, but Rowan settles with it being a wolf… or was it? Rowan wakes up in a strange place, surrounded with people who claim that they can shift into animals and all belong to a pack. They tell Rowan that she is just like them. When she is just about to make a run for it, a promise of ten thousand dollars keeps her there. Rowan partners with Callan to find the killer so that she would be given the promised money. The story follows this journey, but is PACKed (hope you get the pun lol) with lots of twists and turns.

This book was so interesting! The first few chapters of the book gave me Bella from Twilight vibes, where she moves to a new town and learns about all these new magical creatures.

If you have read this book, you will know it absolutely keeps you on your toes, you just do not know what is going to happen next. There were so many shocking revealing truths that my jaw was on the floor for half of the book. It kept me so intrigued. I am definitely going to be reading the next book, as we were left on a cliffhanger!!!

I will not speak too much on the actual events so that I do not spoil the book for you.