A review by astoldbybex
The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish


Thank you to Flame Tree Press & Netgalley for providing me with a copy of The Haunting of Henderson Close in exchange for an honest review.

Edinburgh? CHECK. Time travel? CHECK. Seances & Ouija boards? CHECK.
Creepy little girl who’s missing a face & carries around a ragged doll? CHECK. CHECK. CHECK.

This paranormal experience takes us to Edinburgh & into the lives of the tour guides at Henderson Close. What started off as a dream job for Hannah, soon becomes a nightmare for her & her two colleagues, Mairead & George. Soon after starting her employment, Hannah finds herself face-to-face with spirits, residents of the past, and demons, oh my!

There are so many times in The Haunting of Henderson Close, that I had to pause and ask myself — what the actual heck is going on here?! The story jumps from 2018 to 1881 multiple times, in flashbacks & actual time slips. Characters from the present find themselves meeting members of the town from generations before; characters’ memories are completely wiped from their mind & it’s honestly just a hot mess, but not in a bad-reading-experience way? Oh no. I had a lot of fun reading The Haunting of Henderson Close.

The time slips really did sew themselves in seamlessly & it was very important, in terms of building the stories and piecing everything together. & although, I did not find myself attached to any of the characters, I did find myself rooting them all on in their mission & escape the evil, especially Hannah. For me, being able to cheer on the character is really important, otherwise there is no actual point in reading the story.

The entirety of The Haunting of Henderson Close reads as a ghost story. No shit, huh? What I mean though is, THERE’S NO FILLER — AGAIN, HASHTAG BLESSED. This entire book has the heebies & the jeebies. No extra, pointless content at all.

There’s also a scene in The Haunting of Henderson Close, that I imagined while reading & it actually scared me. This, my friends, doesn’t happen often. Oh! & there’s also this one disturbing murder scene that was extremely gruesome & I’m still Shook.