A review by ssejig
A Tangled Truth by Max Walker


Mark and Liam were childhood friends. Their connection was always an incredibly close one. Then Liam moved away. All these years later, Liam is a movie producer being accused of some pretty horrible things and he walks into Stonewall Investigations to hire someone to help clear his name. He is assigned to Mark.
Mark is having a rollercoaster sort of day. First, his boyfriend of over a year just broke up with him out of the blue and now his first crush has just walked into the door and asked him out to dinner. Mark says no, wanting to make sure that he's free of the emotions of his breakup before pursuing anything with, arguably, the man of his dreams.
And I like that about Walker. There are no fast and furious one-day-and-we're-in-forever-love in his books. The relationships pause when people need to work on themselves and then unfold like normal adult relationships. Normal adult relationships with a lot of sex.
The relationship parts of the books are always great but I wish that the mysteries weren't so out there. It takes me out of the book a bit.