A review by wilda85
Fat Cat by Rachel Vincent


Ahhh, I wanted to see what happened next!!!

When Rachel first announced that she was returning back to the world of Shifters and that it would be an UF like Shifters, I cried happy tears. I would have read Fat Cat the moment it released but due to losing my husband last year, I haven’t been able to read like I used to. But once I started it, I hated life for forcing me to put the book down.

I liked Charley the moment I met her. She reminded me of Faythe immediately and Faythe is one of my all time favorite characters ever. I love the dynamic of Fat Cat and it being in a bar that was run by a female marshal and her human sister was pretty awesome. Especially how much everyone respects them both. I loved seeing familiar faces and meeting all of the new ones. As a new widow, I was a little put off with certain actions because it felt like it came out of nowhere but i think it was necessary for character development and the direction where the story is heading.

I do hope that there will be more to come as I’d love to see what happens next in this world as there is SO much more to see, not just in Charley’s world but the Shifter world. Now that Faythe and Charley have teamed up, nothi bc is impossible for the future of the tabbies and I can’t wait to see them shake up the shifter world!