A review by acarman1
1900: Or; The Last President by Ingersoll Lockwood, Tarl Warwick


This book was touted as "the book that predicted Donald Trump" and that it certainly was not. While Trump has been cast as a neo-Populist and the book does end with a leader governing only in the interests of the south and west, William Jennings Bryan really has little in common with Trump. The Populist platform of governing in the interests of the poor and downtrodden really aren't anything like Trump and the rich people turning into martyrs because President Bryan is requiring them to pay an income tax is a far cry from the work Trump did to protect the wealthiest of the wealthy. It also partakes of its time in its casually racist descriptions of African Americans and indigenous folk. It is, however, an interesting tale that shows the real fear rich folk felt then and now about anyone breaking their stranglehold on the republic and the real dangers of governing in the interest of only part of the population instead of the whole Union.