A review by mintlovesbooks
Knit of the Living Dead by Peggy Ehrhart


This is an extremely cozy mystery, perfect for readers who love learning more about the lives and activities of characters. However, this book progressed a bit too slowly for me.

Like many cozy mysteries, Knit of the Living Dead is set in a small town. The setting of Arborville, New Jersey seems to exemplify what living in a small town is like - a close-knit community where everyone knows everyone, where life goes at a slower pace than in the big city. Arborville is a charming community; minus the crime of course!

Ehrhart writes with a lot of detail. Everything from the appearance of background characters to the meals that characters eat is described with care. This paints a very vivid picture of the scenes. I especially appreciate that she took the time to detail the reasoning of the sleuths and how the clues in the mystery fit together.

At the same time, I felt that the detail made the book tedious to read at times. I found myself skimming over some scenes, unfortunately. I think that the fluff could have been cut down to make the book more exciting at key points. There are scenes in the book that could be quite suspenseful, but in my opinion, the additional detail just bogs them down.

This book is a clean mystery, as there is no (explicit) violence and no foul language. There is a brief discussion of romance but it isn't a major part of the story.

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