A review by theawkwardbookw
The Ballad of Ami Miles by Kristy Dallas Alley


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*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*

2.5/5 Stars

Since she was born, Ami has been raised by her grandparents on a compound in isolation. After the world fell apart, many woman became infertile, so Ami has grown up believing that her sole duty is to have babies, like her mother once did. When Ami was a baby, her mother left, to escape the government coming to breed her. When her grandfather brings an older man to the compound in the hopes of impregnating her, she runs away in the hopes of finding her mother.

I wanted to like this way more than I did. I was initially very excited, because I love cult books, but I was BORED through out this whole story. I did like Ami's character development and exploration of her beliefs, I think this story could help a lot of people who have grown up in extremely strict religious households. It may give them the knowledge (for lack of a better word) that they can form their own opinions and step away from what they have been taught growing up. I do think that her development was a bit rapid and pretty unrealistic, if she was meant to be THAT brainwashed by her upbringing, but alas. The romance was also super instalovey, which I am not a fan of... so I just wasn't invested in this story at all.

Overall, I just found this extremely underwhelming.