A review by saphirablue
In Midnight's Silence by T. Frohock


I really, really, really like this one.

I like the way it's written - the story just flows along and grips you and you just have to read it.

I love the setting - Barcelona, Spain, in the 1930s, on the brink of WW2. There are angels and daimons and their children, the Nefilim, and their (never ending) fight. Also, the stakes of this story? Both personal and for the world? Wow. Nicely written and included.

Also, they sing their magic. Sing. *loves*

I freaking love Diago. He's the kind of character that just pushes my buttons - being the child of a daimon and an angel. Standing between the sides. Both sides trying to recruit him to their sides and, from what we see and what is hinted at, both sides not playing fair in this game for him. Being hurt and hurt and hurt again (I really want all his backstory). And, he learnt to love. Miquel showed him how to love and, I think, how to be loved (and, I really, really want that story too). And now, he's risking his live and soul to rescue the love he knows and the love he's just discovered existed. Yeah, Hook. Line. Sinker.