A review by aecidyk
Finale by Stephanie Garber


stephanie garber. you have absolutely caught my heart with this series. the magic - even though it’s not even really my type of thing - took in even me, too. the boys of caraval are so FLJRELFBELFJRK my CHRIST where can i buy one? anyway, i have so much i love about this book. i have a hard time imagining things, but with stephanie garber, it comes so easy to me. and what i noted in every book is the character development of every character, it’s always so noticeable and satisfies me so much. most importantly, she has a way of writing absolutely beautiful lines, ones that are as true as much as they are poetic. i’m so glad i kept reading this series and didn’t give up, because it was really pure magic. and one of the characters i found the most poetic were definitely paradise. particularly the way she was described, and that one moment with scarlett towards the end of the book… ifykyk. it warmed my heart.

i love the authors way of thinking and love the way the plot developed. i can’t praise it enough.

only reason this book isn’t getting 5 stars is because it was a bit tedious to get through this book, and it wasn’t as good as legendary, but it was good nonetheless and i definitely loved it.

now, onto my favorite quotes/moments, and i gotta say i do this for almost every book, but im particularly excited for this one since it’s def one of the book series that made me feel the most and i love every poetic line and lesson and moral!


“You’ll feel differently if you let me change you.” “But I don’t want to feel differently. I want to feel love in its every form. I used to be so scared of it, but now I think love is another type of magic. It makes everything brighter, it makes people who have it stronger, it breaks rules that aren’t supposed to exist, it’s infinitely valuable. I can’t imagine my life without it. And if you felt any love in your heart, you would understand.”


She didn’t need to erase her pain; she needed it to propel her into action. Just because it was a negative emotion didn’t mean it wasn’t a valuable one.


“Ahem.” The older sister cleared her throat. “If you wish to start making that child now, I’m afraid this isn’t the place.”


He was an immortal who couldn’t die but who could never fully live, because the things he wanted to consume were devouring him instead.


And Scarlett cried. She cried for the horrors he had been, and she cried for the wonders that he could have been instead.