A review by annette45
Every Waking Hour by Joanna Schaffhausen


Thanks so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for letting me read and review this intriguing and great book. This was another exciting and wonderful installment in the Ellery Hathaway series. I stumbled upon one of the earlier books in the series and had to read them all at once and now I'm hooked. I love this series!
This story is about Ellery finally having a more stable job as a detective in Boston after her 6 mo probationary period ended and having a new relationship with Reed. Ellery and Reed have had an unusual and tricky relationship since he rescued her from a serial killer when she was a young teenager to now with her as a rookie detective and him in the FBI and the two trying to make a relationship work.
In this story, Ellery and Reed are on a date with Reed's daughter and they become involved in the case of a missing child and as things go with the story, things come out with their troubled relationship and Ellery realizing things about herself and her life being known as the victim that survived and escaped the serial killer that has shaped her entire life. After her realizations about life and herself, unavoidable and inevitable events occur leading to and through twists and turns that leave you in an intense and stressful situation with a bit of an idea of what might happen in the next book.
I can't wait to read the next installment of the series and see what happens with the next part of the story. If you haven't checked out and read any of these books then you need to read them! Make sure to keep this book on your radar and get up to date on this series now!