A review by amz101
Undone: Billionaire Brothers by Mia Kayla


Woah... So, Mia Kayla is a new author to me, so I went into this book blind and not sure what to expect, and honestly from the little I did know about the book by the blurb... Well, I was not expecting what I got.

I am a sucker for an emotional read and this one sure as hell has its moments. I found myself crying, like legit balling my eyes out in some parts of the book.

Jordan is a charmer, he knew all the right things to say, he knew how to win a woman over, because he should as hell won me over, he's swoon-worthy, and I was putty in his hands. He's alpha as hell and someone that would have most women weak at the knees. There is so much more to him as well. I love a Hero like this. He's a mixture of them all. Sweet, alpha, charming, and strong, and not afraid to put his heart on the line.

Tene had her hang-ups, and rightfully so. She has a past and she doesn't trust easily, so when a relationship is formed between Jordan and herself, she's guarded, and careful... Him being a rockstar didn't help either. I mean, he's a rockstar... So how could she not question it, but the thing is Jordan may just that and half the pick of women every night if he wanted, but he wants her, and he chooses her. It's just getting Tene to understand that. But as the book progressed and we got deeper into the plot and relationship between these two, her walls start to come down slowly and she begins to grow, and I loved that... It's definitely something I can relate to, having trust issues myself and having had a wall built up before too. So I was completely smitten with her. She was an amazing heroine and she was realistic... The author created a character many women can probably relate to but even with those trust issues, she's still strong and fierce and her growth throughout the book was amazing!

These two together? well damn... The chemistry was definitely there, as was the sexual tension, and the push and pull... They worked so well together, balancing each other out, yet they bounced off of each other certain situations and it made them even more perfect. These are a mixture of everything all poured into one relationship and I was completely consumed by these two.

All in all, this book was amazing and I couldn't get enough. Certainly a page-turner. It held suspense, mystery, passion, heat, and of course an unforgettable romance story. It was addictive, all-consuming, and had my emotions going from one extreme to the next.

Absolutely incredible

5/5 Stars!