A review by maggiebook
The Gender Games: The Problem with Men and Women, from Someone Who Has Been Both by Juno Dawson


Juno Dawson provides a different spin (for me at least) on the subject of gender. She discusses gender as a being used to categorize humans even before they are born--placing labels and expectations on humans that may not be what they are. Juno shares her story and a few stories of other people who were, due their anatomy, categorized as a gender and treated in a gender specific way. She provides a lot evidence that this traditional way of raising 'boys and girls' is harmful and confusing for all people.
I found Ms. Dawson's writing completely honest and thought provoking. To me, she is spot on when she talks about feminism, privilege of specific genders, races and sexual orientations and our current political climate (this book was publish this year 2017 so the issues she writes about are very current).
Overall The Gender Gamesis so interesting and really makes you think, I learned a lot and as one reviewer said 'this book answers questions I didn't know I had'.