A review by jenabrownwrites
Shadow Call by Michael Miller, Adrianne Strickland


"I know what you sound like when you're afraid. I know what you look like when you think you're about to die." Before everything could get too serious, he added, "What I don't know is what your favorite color is."

The crew of the Kaitan Heritage are back and they aren't taking prisoners! Harboring fugitives maybe, but definitely not prisoners.

Even though they've managed to escape with their lives, things aren't exactly back to normal. Nev is hiding on Alaxak, pretending to be a Shadow fisherman with the rest of the crew, exiled and disinherited, he is simply trying to figure out his new life. It isn't easy with Arjan, still angry at Nev for what his family inflicted on him. Or with Eton, still holding a grudge and willing to throw him out of an airlock, even though Nev saved his life. Only Telu and Basra seem to be willing to accept Nev for who he is. Not even Qole knows how to sort out her feelings for the ex-royal.

Before anyone has time to figure out how they feel, the Dracorte family pays Alaxak a visit. In an afternoon, the crew once again find themselves in the heart of turmoil. Nev accused of murder. Alaxak attacked. The Kaitan crew facing insurmountable odds at survival. Nev and Qole have to figure out how to stay one step ahead in order to stay alive. Even if it means surrendering themselves to the destinies they desperately fear.

"Loving someone didn't mean protecting them. It meant being willing to risk your life for something you believed to be greater."

Strickland and Miller do a fantastic job holding their cards close. The twists and turns in Shadow Call are surprising and well placed. Just when you think you understand a character, a motivation, or where you think the plot is going, they turn around and punch you in the face.

I loved how we got a deeper look into these characters in this sequel. Motivations are revealed, and the true nature of who they are begins to get clearer for everyone. We don't get all the answers we want, but we do get a better understanding of what secrets from the past cause the hurts of the present. Both in the specific instance of character development, but also in the history of the galaxy. While we are still left with plenty of questions unanswered, we get a solid glimpse of the path ahead. And holy hell is this ride far from over!

"The look that said, Someday, this lid will open, and then the screaming all commence in earnest."

The action is once again breathtaking, heart pounding, and intense. The stakes are raised in their fight for survival, and the battles are scaled up in tandem. Before this was one crew fighting to survive. We move to the larger galactic battle field in Shadow Call and it's spectacular! Nev has to face his true calling as King, and face everything that really means about who he is and what he wants. While Qole has to face the Shadow that lives in her body, with all it's lethal consequences.

Again I was struck with how well balanced this book is. The plot hangs perfectly between character driven momentum and action packed pacing. We get to see not just the fights and explosions but the reality of how that impacts the people behind them. Decisions on any scale have consequences, and Strickland and Miller give us the entire picture of what that burden feels like on all levels. How to find the strength to lead. How to do the right thing, especially when it's the hard thing. How to figure out what the greater good really is.

"Power is always dangerous to those who have none, and you cannot effect change without power."

Shadow Call is a solid sequel. We get more of everything. More of the characters. More action. More to lose. We meet new allies and face new villains. It's satisfying while simultaneously making you desperate for more. I do love how Strickland and Miller manage to write endings that feel like endings while leaving plenty of room for the next book.

This is fast-paced, non-stop space action. Even the slower moments are filled with tension as schemes unfold all around. If you loved Shadow Run, you'll devour Shadow Call. The perfect blend of action, intrigue, and a dash of slow-burn romance. I loved every minute!

Thank you Rockstar Book tours for including me on this awesome tour!