A review by bookflutter
That Summer by H.M. Shander


Wowww! Absolutely adored "That Summer". Unfortunately I did not read book one (Duly Noted) as I was unaware this was the second book- when I finished reading I immediately scrambled to the authors good reads to see about the continuation of this one LOL- I devoured this book- I absolutely love love love Lucas- and am team Lucas all the way- This is my first read from this author and it will not be my last- this was an amazing story about strength, friendship and love- Aurora suffers addiction and PTSD and lost the love of her life Nate to it- his brother Lucas secretly tries to help Aurora spending every waking moment with her to through her battles so she can try and win her way back to Nate- I can't help my heartbreak for Lucas as when Nate and Aurora finally get to that place- will it be a forever lasting love? What happens to Lucas and Aurora's friendship? My heart breaks for Lucas as deep down I know he has stronger feelings than friendship for her- That ending tho!!!....LOL left me dying for more! Definite must read! Highly anticipating book 3 to come! (In the meantime I'll go catch up on book 1 ❤️)