A review by littleroseygirl
I'm Fine and Neither Are You by Camille Pagán


Refreshing and compelling


I didn't expect to love this book. No, really, I didn't. As I dug in, I honestly expected to find the typical "woman isn't happy with her life so she walks away from her husband to pursue a better, more exciting life and lives happily ever after with a new guy that truly values her" trope. But what I discovered was so much better. This is the story of a woman wading through the rest difficult and heavy parts of life. Penny goes from assuming everyone else is the cause of her problems to realizing that her own selfishness and shying away from standing up for herself (because those can and do coexist) were a big part of her problems. The character development and growth in this story is dynamic and thought provoking. I found myself relating to Penny's depression and her struggle to truly cope with what's happening in her life and to even do what was necessary to deal with things. It was so good for me to watch a book character grow in such a positive and refreshing way. Camille Pagán takes a realistic approach to what at the end of the book proves to be lasting change. Lasting change is messy, difficult, and imperfect and she shows this in a marvelous way. I am so satisfied with this book in a way I rarely am when reading this genre. Well done, Camille. Well done.