A review by anredman
The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn


I had been dithering about writing a review for this book. About forty pages in I decided I was not going to, so I didn't keep many notes about it. I started this book on the heels of another of this author's books, one I didn't particularly care for.

I feel like this review is actually just a clumsy, vague attempt to figure what I like or don't like about the book, rather than a break-down of the plot.

The main character, a young boy, has a lot of emotional and mental problems, which also results in a physical disfigurement. The kid sees things that aren't there, makes constant rhymes and repetitions. Super brave choices that the author obviously researched well and implemented thoughtfully.

The main character, and really, all of the book, lacks elegance and depth. The writing is without descriptive padding and adornment so it feels blunt and uninspired. The other characters were virtually unexplored and half of a very small cast were superfluous. They had no real purpose, like the uninterested brother. The dad that bears on him wasn't really present after the first 1/3 of the book. And the town was described, kind of, and the forest was explored, but it never felt like a character. Like it didn't have a life of its own. It was a missed opportunity.

There was a second story and timeline that began in Part Two. I enjoyed it more, perhaps cuz it's more in the author's wheelhouse. A mournful and discouraged woman that becomes mother and sole guardian of a monster. What it lacked in originality was made up for in polish. This section of the book depicted anxiety, self-doubt and depression well.

One of my problems with the book are the convenient inconsistencies within. Rosie drives down to Big Sur but later on it's revealed she rarely drives and is rubbish at it. In one sentence she's wearing baggy clothes in her third trimester, a paragraph later she's barely showing? That's two examples I noted on the fly, but they're not the only ones. Small things that are close together on the pages bug me. The kid puts a flashlight in his pants pocket, but then their shorts for a while and his pj shirt is a regular shirt a little further down the line. When did the monster kid learn to walk in relation to when he cornered the cat, cuz I think there were a differing amount of weeks mentioned. And I don't think the author failed to catch these niggling things, but the editor did.

So much of the book is wasted potential. The main character has so much back and forth going on with him. Yes, that's central to the character, but it goes on all the time. Will I, won't I, should I, dare I, I shouldn't, will I? At least fifty pages of the book could have been omitted and filled with plot twists. Plot advancements. Development of other characters. A better character than the guy in Big Sur.

Ditto for words wasted on stating the same things over again, but in slightly different ways. So many 'unintended' outbursts met with startled, genetic reactions. So many ways to keep saying his heart is beating quickly. The repetition is overwhelming. Kills any momentum the author makes, asides from the beginning of Part Two with the morose lady character.

I would recommend the book to folks that are trying to venture into the horror genre for the first time. Maybe like a slightly older than YA introduction to horror. The visceral birth and violence are good. The one sexual encounter is super vague, which I found odd.

Overall I guess I just wanted a book with more depth and plot twists.