A review by danbydame
A Stranger in the Earth by Marcel Theroux


selected for its length (under 300 pages) and its promise of amusement ("a witty satire -- had me roaring with laughter at 2 a.m.").

I experienced none of the promised roaring .. not even a vocalized chuckle or two. Maybe it was trying for "sweet" but it just didn't get past "ho hum".

I did enjoy the main character, and the author's treatment of him. That is probably the only thing that saved this from being a 1 star throwaway. But a plot needs to be either interesting or amusing. A small, predictable plot can be wonderful if treated as a vehicle for humor. I think that was the intent here ... but the humor was so small and gentle that it simply did not satisfy.

I'm not even keeping this one. Its going back to the Book Sale for another chance at finding a loving home.